Saturday, January 23, 2010

Summer down under

I know, I know...another two months without an update. I put the blame on Australia's habit of closing down some time in early December and not reopening for business until January...or maybe February, it all depends on how relaxed we feel.

So, it's a New Year...I'd like to say I've done nothing and be proud of it, but yet again, that would be a lie.
Regarding the novel, Jack be Nimble, I've finally run through all the options as far as 'legitimate' agents are concerned and will shortly be assaulting the portals of the Publishing houses...or at least the ones that are still interested in aspiring authors. We'll see...

In the meantime, I've been tinkering with another two novel length stories; The Cabin, a thriller, set in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and The Girl Who Could Smell Poision, a crime thriller based around Boston (USA). They are, obviously, aimed at a US audience, and once I get the first draft of one or the other completed, I'll be trying to sell them directly to US publishers...bigger market, more opportunity...

I have also completed, and submitted, several short stories including Art for Art's Sake and Behind Every Successful Man as well as One for the Money, all horror pieces and have another four or five 'works in progress'. Another story, Ease of the Midnight Visit (not horror?!), has just been accepted by Short and Twisted 2010 (Celapene Press, Aus) which will be out in June.

Anyway, I've got a sore throat from all this talking, so we'll take a short break, but I promise that it won't be two months this time..

I did, however, say I would give some history as we go's lesson...don't throw away or give up on those old stories that you did ages ago...Ease of the Midnight Visit is actually eight years old...written back when I was still a debt collector and not the suave, confident and debonair writer you see before you today...hell, I hadn't even done a grammar or editing course then...what was I thinking?

So, stick to it and believe in yourself...
